Rolling R

Rolling Your Rs – The Tap and The Trill

¡Hola y bienvenidos, dulcitos! 

There’s a lot of apprehension around speaking Spanish because of the two rolling R sounds – the tap and the trill. As a native English speaker, it’s difficult because the trill sound does not exist in our language. But, contrary to popular belief, the tap does in fact exist (more about this in the videos below). Further, it is possible for you to learn how to make these sounds! It’s not something that you’re born with or not. If rolling your Rs doesn’t come naturally to you, then this will be just one added step in your learning journey if you so choose.

Why It’s Important

Pronunciation is a fundamental aspect of being able to speak Spanish well, and these sounds are some of the more obvious hurdles. The point of learning this language is to communicate with Spanish-speakers, so you want to be as clear as possible, no? Don’t fret – it’s not imperative that you learn how to trill, as there are many Spanish-speakers who don’t trill their Rs. Perhaps because their dialect doesn’t typically use it or because the individual never learned. But, if you don’t make the correct R sound, there may be some cases where you will say something and the meaning gets muddied because the individual you’re speaking with thinks you’re using a different word. (ex. pero (tapped R), which means “but”, and perro (trilled R), which means “dog”.) This isn’t earth-shattering, but it can be confusing. 

Searching for solutions, I have found one article and two excellent videos that describe the difference between the two sounds as well as exercises to teach you how to do them! All of these resources may have some overlapping content, but each is useful in its own way. 

6 Easy Ways to Roll Your Rs

For those who understand best by reading, this article gives you multiple ways to wrap your brain around the trilled R. I like this article because it emphasizes that it’s a mental reframing + a physical practice while giving you multiple interpretations to get you where you need to be.

Spanish Tapped R vs Trilled R

This video take a scientific approach to the two sounds with many examples along with a visual of how to place your tongue. Also, I can’t recommend Ten Minute Spanish enough for Spanish pronunciation. He may be a little too dry or too academic for some people’s taste, but his lessons are so legit. I’ve learned so much about the subtleties of both English and Spanish and how to stop bringing English pronunciation into my Spanish.

How to Roll Your Rs – You Already Know How

If you respond better to a more personal approach with some encouragement, this video is for you! It gives you a simple exercise to work on your two sounds. 

Like everything else in your practice, be gentle with yourself, relax, and keep trying! 

¡Feliz aprendizaje!


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